Minnesota Transparency Reporting

Key dates
Submission: May 1

Minnesota Board of Pharmacy

Who must report?
Pharmaceutical manufacturers
*see details below
- Last Updated: February 19, 2024
- Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs)
- Physician assistants (PAs)
- Veterinarians
- Dental therapists
Payments, reimbursement or other compensation paid to HCPs registered and practicing in Minnesota during the calendar year in which the transfer of value is $100 or more, to a particular covered recipient.
Data points to be disclosed:
- Name of practitioner
- Professional designation
- Address of practitioner
- Value of payment
- Specific reason for payment
Any entity engaged in manufacturing, wholesale distribution, or selling of drugs and/or medical device, medicines, chemicals, or poisons for medicinal purposes other than to the consuming public or patient, licensed by the state.
- A medical device manufacturer distributing drugs as an incidental part of its device business shall not be considered a manufacturer, a wholesale drug distributor, or agent under this section and hence exempted from reporting Transfers of Value made in association with those drugs only.
- Professional samples of a drug provided to a prescriber for free distribution to patients are not considered as reportable transfers of value.
- Transfers of value with a total combined retail value, in any calendar year, of not more than $50 are also not reportable.
- A payment to the sponsor of a medical conference, professional meeting, or other educational program, provided the payment is not made directly to a practitioner and is used solely for bona fide educational purposes is also exempted from disclosure.
- Reasonable honoraria and payment of the reasonable expenses of a practitioner who serves on the faculty at a professional or educational conference or meeting, less than $100 value annually. Any honoraria or payment to practitioner exceeding $100 annually must be reported.
- Compensation for the substantial professional or consulting services of a practitioner in connection with a genuine research project, less than $100 annually. Transfers of value exceeding $100 annually in this category is reportable.
- Publications and educational materials; or
- Salaries or other benefits paid to employees.
Reports must be filed in an electronic format. Applicable manufacturers are required to fill out the spreadsheet available on Minnesota Board of Pharmacy website and return it to the Board either attached to an e-mail ([email protected]) or copied onto a CD-ROM.